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The Cheat Console can be brought up by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the following text into the text input field that appears at the top of the screen.


Base Game Cheats...


    • Help – Lists all available commands into the command console.

    • resetSim {FirstName} {LastName} – Resets the Sim.

    • fullscreen – toggles full screen on or off.

    • headlineeffects{on/off} – Hides all headline effects including plumbobs, thought balloons, etc.

    • Death.toggle – Disables Death so that Sims don’t die.

    • FreeRealEstate {on/off} – Can be entered at neighborhood/world. If on, all homes are free.

    • motherlode – Provides 50,000 Simoleons

    • kaching – Provides 1000 Simoleons

    • rosebud – Provides 1000 Simoleons

    • Pressing Shift + ] – Increases the size of objects

    • Pressing Shift +[ - Decreases the size of objects (You can not make an object smaller than the original size)

  • testingcheats – Enables use of further cheats

    • Entering “testingcheats true”, then entering “cas.fulleditmode” allows all CAS abilities.

    • Interaction Cheats are available by Shift + Clicking on objects and Sims once the player types in “testingcheats true” in the command console.

    • Shift Clicking on Sims/Objects

      • Reset Object – Resets Sim

      • Add to Family – Add the Sim to the current family

      • Cheat Motive > Make Happy – Sets all motives to full and sets Mood to Happy

      • Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay – Allows motives to change dynamically

      • Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay – Allows motives to remain static

      • Set as Head - Shift clicking on an object will make the object become the active Sims head

      • Reset Object – Rests Object

    • Shift Clicking Dirty-able Objects

      • Make Dirty – Makes object dirty

    • Shift Clicking on Dirty Objects

      • Make Clean – makes object clean

    • Shift Clicking Mailbox

      • Reset Object – resets Mailbox

    • Shift Clicking the Ground

      • Teleport Me Here – Teleports selected Sim as close to the clicked spot as possible

    • Shift Clicking Sims

      • Modify in CAS – Allows editing of everything but name change and inherited traits


**constrainFloorElevation is not currently in the game. We are hoping that this will become available sometime down the track**


Move Objects

  • bb.moveobjects on


Skill, Relationship, Emotion and more...


Add or Remove Buffs

  • “Sims.remove_all_buffs”–Removes all moodlets/emotions

  • “Sims.add_buff [buff, low/high]”–Adds a particular buff to the sim (spelling is very important)

Values for buffs:
sims.add_buff confidenthigh
sims.add_buff e_buff_confident (This enables the cowplant essence effect, powerful and longer lasting)

  • Energized: EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)

  • Flirty: FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)

  • Inspired: InspiredLow or InspiredHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)

  • Focused: FocusedLow or FocusedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)

  • Playful: PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)

  • Sad: SadLow or SadHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)

  • Angry: Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful (these all stack)

  • Happy: Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy (these two stack)

  • Uncomfortable: e_buff_uncomfortable

  • Embarrassed: e_buff_embarrassed, peedself (these two stack)

***NOTE: e_buff is the same mood effect granted by cowplant essence, strong and lasts 12 hours



  • Careers.promote [NameOfCareer]– Promotes Sim in current career

  • Careers.demote [NameOfCareer]– Demotes Sim in current career

  • Careers.add_career [NameOfCareer]– Adds a career

  • Careers.remove_career [NameOfCareer]– Removes a career

  • Careers.promote Gradeschool – Raises child’s grade performance by one letter grade

  • Careers.promote Highschool – Raises a teenager’s grade performance by one letter grade

  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - Unlock careers reward items


Example: “testingcheats true” followed by “careers.promote secretagent” –Earns one promotion

  • “Stats.set_skill_level <skilltype> 1-10” –Adjusts a sim’s skill level

Values for skills:

Major_Bartending (Mixology)

Note: Skilltypes are in two varieties. AdultMajor and Skill. Leaving the Adult off should still allow the command to execute.
EXAMPLES: “stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Programming 10” or “stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10”



  • “Money ###”–Set’s funds to exact number

  • “Sims.modify_funds +/-###” –Adds or subtracts value from current funds

Example: “Money 25000″ or “Sims.modify_funds +500”

  • “Aspirations.complete_current_milestone”–Completes current aspiration challenge and awards points (This one owns)

  • sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points–Adds 100 aspiration/satisfaction points. However, this applies as a buff and so, you will need clear with sims.remove_all_buffs before reapplying.


  • “objects.consumables_infinite_toggle” –Toggles the use of unlimited consumable items such as plates of food and aspiration rewards potions


Note: This cheat must be activated BEFORE you spawn/create/purchase the item. When using aspiration potions, the sim will continue to sip from the cup forever. In the case of eating plates of food, the sim will continue to eat the same plate of food forever. THIS CHEAT DOES NOT WORK WITH UPGRADE PARTS.

  • “Modifyrelationship YourSim(first name) YourSim(last name) TargetSim(first name) TargetSim(last name) (-)50 Track_type” –Modifies relationship between two simsTypes of relationships (friends and romance): “Friendship_Main and Romance_Main”

Examples: “Modifyrelationship Beatrix Monroe Alexia Mercado -50 Friendship_Main” [For negative friendship] and “ModifyrelationshipBeatrix Monroe Alexia Mercado 50 Romance_Main” [For positive romance]

  • “traits.equip_trait [traitnameNoSpaces]”–Equips a particular trait for your sim

Example: “traits.equip_trait SteelBladder”

  • “traits.remove_trait [traitnameNoSpaces]”–Removes a trait

  • “traits.clear_traits”–Removes all traits from sim


  • “Sims.Spawn”–Spawns sim and adds them to your household.

  • “Sims.spawnsimple”–Spawns sim on lot as visitor without adding to household.

  • “Setage”–Set’s your sim to adult age


Handyman: Enables an NPC to come to the lot and fix broken objects


  • soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation (execute this cheat first)

  • soak.create_soak_handyman_situation (execute this cheat after)


Maid: Enables an NPC to come to the lot and clean


  • soak.enable_soak_maid_situation (execute this cheat first)

  • soak.create_soak_maid_situation (execute this cheat after)


Party: Causes a ton of sims to show up for a party on your lot. They leave after a few sim hours have passed.


  • soak.enable_soak_party_situation (execute this cheat first)

  • soak.create_soak_party_situation (execute this cheat after)


Make your sim act like a maid!
They’ll behave normally, do everything you tell them to as soon as you tell them, and do whatever they want when you aren’t directing them. The difference? The second there’s a puddle, a dirty plate, or trash to be taken out, they’ll stop their own actions and go fix it.

Turn Maid Behavior on:

  • sims.add_buff buff_Role_ServiceNPC_Maid


Turn Maid Behavior off:

  • sims.remove_buff buff_Role_ServiceNPC_Maid


  • tutorial.deactivate_tutorial_tip

  • fire.kill – might kill the sim or put fire out.

  • fire.singe_sim – probably adds negative moddlet or kills sim

  • pregnancy.clear – cancel a pregnancy?

  • pregnancy.seed

  • pregnancy.roll

  • households.toggle_bill_notifications

  • households.autopay_bills

  • households.fill_visible_commodities_world

  • crafting.shorten_phases [on|off] doesn’t appear to work.

  • venues.set_venue Should be able to set a lot to public using this. I’ll check into it.

  • ui.toggle_silence_phone

  • ui.dialog.auto_respond

  • service_npc.toggle_auto_scheduled_services

  • relationship.create not sure of parameters for these.

  • relationship.destroy

  • relationship.introduce_all_sims

  • debug_outcome_style success|fail|alternate|off – might force either conversation responses or job situations to always have a certain outcome.

  • environment_score.disable/enable – disables environment moodlet effects?


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