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The Sims4Network
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Cities Skylines: April Progress Update
Greetings Chirpies! Firstly, we would like to give you all our most heartfelt thanks for the support and feedback we have received...

Custom Active Careers
It has been stated on the forums by SimGuruEugi that Modders will be able to create new active careers. So hopefully this means we will...

Tunnels: A Progress Report
CEO Mariina has taken to the forums and notified players about the progress of tunnels in Cities: Skylines. Read the statement here #cities

Dedicated Video & Stream Thread - The Sims 4 Forums
Some refreshing news from The Sims Team today. The forums now have a dedicated thread where Simmers can upload and share streams and...

The Sims 4 Pets Expansion Pack??
Several sources over the internet are posting about a easter egg that popped up in The Sims 4 Get To Work expansion pack. It took over...

The Sims 4 Patch Update 14 April 2015
Howdy Simmers, While everybody else has been trying to “Get to Work”, SimGuruGnome has been trying to “Get Some Time Off” for a while...

Bugfixing-Patch 1.0.7c is LIVE on retail
Greetings Chirpies! Easter is over, and so is the wait for the next patch for Cities: Skylines. As previously mentioned our core focus...
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